I live in Frederick, Maryland, a beautiful county with rolling hills and just enough space from Washington, D.C., where I also report stories. For nearly 20 years, I've written for print and the web: breaking news, telling stories of scientific discovery, revealing the wonders of nature, and taking a peek at technological innovations verging on science fiction.
I’m an omnivore, and that thread follows through in my work. I’ve dabbled in stage acting and improv comedy, earned open-water SCUBA dive certification, grown a lot of vegetables, trained for a triathlon, and speak German (quite well, once.) I could live on a steady diet of sci-fi.
What You Get
My aim is simple: to engage you and show you something new. You should learn something amazing every day.
And to anyone who needs something written, cleaned up, edited, polished, researched, suggested-upon: There's always room in the world for better, cleaner communication. Let me know how I can help.
Reach Me
E-mail me at michelle.z.donahue@gmail.com with story ideas, commissions, content writing needs, article or book editing, and communications strategy consulting.
Chesapeake sunrise at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, 2016